2022 12th International Conference on IT in Medicine and Education
ITME 2022 Call for Papers
ITME 2022征文
2022年第12届医学与教育信息化国际会议(ITME2022)将于2022年11月18至20日在福建省厦门市召开,今年的会议是由IEEE计算机学会技术支持,由闽南科技学院和厦门大学举办;由山东师范大学、斯威本工业大学、中国计量大学、岩手县立大学、闽南师范大学、韦恩州立大学、青岛大学、福建中医药大学、湖南人文科技学院、闽江学院、武夷学院联合协办。ITME2022可接收但不限于医学、教育、大数据、人工智能、计算机科学、自动化与电子信息等相关学科的论文,论文集将由IEEE Computer Society出版会议论文集,并且将会被IEEE Xplore、EI Compendex、ISI(ISTP)、Scopus、Inspect等数据库检索,本次会议后将选择部分优秀论文扩充后,发到国际SCI期刊,如:Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (IF: 1.536, CCF C类期刊),Mathematics(IF: 2.258)。
李恒康: 13062862365
The ITME202 topics include, but are notlimited, to the following:Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology 1.AI & 5G Networks 2.Artificial Intelligence Tools & Applications 3.Automatic Control 4.Bioinformatics 5.Biomedical Engineering 6.Computer Vision and Speech Understanding 7.Data Mining 8.Data Visualization 9.E-commerce, E-medicine & E-Government 10.Evolutionary Computing 11.Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Systems 12.Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies 13.Hybrid Intelligent Systems 14.Image & Video Processing 15.Information Retrieval and Information Security 16.Intelligent System & Intelligent Manufacturing 17.Knowledge Representation 18.Knowledge-based Systems 19.Machine Learning and Deep Learning 20.Morphic Computing 21.Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics 22.Multimedia & Wireless Communication Systems 23.Natural Language Processing & Machine Translation 24.Neural Networks 25.Pattern Recognition 26.Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence 27.Probabilistic Reasoning 28.Reasoning and Evolution 29.Robotics 30.Rough Sets 31.Semantic Web 32.Signal Processing 33.Soft Computing and Applications 34.Software Agents 35.Wavelet 36.Web Intelligence Applications & Search IT in Medicine 1.Artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced medicaldiagnosis 2.Biomechanics, modeling and computing 3. Computational Pathology 4. Computational Anatomy 5.Computer-Aided diagnostic (CAD) 6.CT, MRI, PET, SPECT image acquisition andanalysis 7.Digital virtual organ and clinicalapplication 8.E-Health and E-Hospital 9.Health informatics education 10.Imaging Biomarkers 11. Image Reconstruction 12. Image Registration 13. Image Segmentation 14. Image-Guided Interventions and Surgery 15.Machine learning technologies in medicalservices 16. Medical image processing, analysis & compression 17. Standard in health informatics andcross-language solution 18. Visualization in Biomedical Imaging .... IT in Education 1.Architecture of Educational InformationSystems 2. Automated Online Education Systems 3. Building and Sharing Digital EducationResources on the Internet 4. Collaborative Learning/Training 5. Computer Aided Teaching and CampusNetwork Construction 6. Curriculum Design and Development forOpen/Distance Education 7. Digital Library 8. E-Learning Pedagogical Strategies 9. Ethical and Social Issues in Using IT inEducation 10. Innovative Software and HardwareSystems for Education and Training .... Big Data and It’s Application in Medicine& Education 1.Big data based reference, ranking, decisionmaking, and prediction 2.Big data knowledge extraction, discovery,analysis, presentation, and visualization 3.Big data knowledge integration, merging,migration, and transformation 4.Bio-medical and healthcare services andapplications based on big data 5. Big data research and project experiencein bio-medical and health care application services 6. Big data research applications inIndustry and Agriculture 7. Big data research applications andservice systems in hospitality, education, transportation 8. Big data research application andservice systems in multi-media and social networking 9. Innovative, concurrent, and scalable bigdata intelligence analysis 10. Traditional Chinese Medicine HealthcareManagement based on Big Data ... EI检索-ITME2022第十二届医学与教育信息化国际会议 |