2017/2018南京农业大学生物能源组,招聘博士后(2名) 工作地点:江苏省南京市浦口区
研究内容:生物质化学(预处理,合成,气化,水解,液化,燃烧等)和生物化学转化(如, 微生物油、藻类生物柴油, 发酵制氢和丁醇等)及离子液体和纳米催化剂用于生物炼制。
报名时间: 2017年10月31日前优先考虑(或直到找到满意的人为止)。
联系方式: 李老师,毛老师
电 话:
+86-25-58606661 李老师
传 真:+86-25-58606505
发送邮件的同时必须抄送方老师: zhenfang@njau.edu.cn
生物能源组研究方向: 转化农业和生物质废弃物为高附加值的燃料,化学品和生物制品。具体研究内容包括如下: 1、纳米和固体催化剂的制备及应用,包括催化木质纤维素水解并生产可发酵糖,合成化学品和生物燃料,和催化植物油制备生物柴油等; 2、水热法快速水解纤维素、木质纤维素预处理生产可发酵糖、有机酸和化学品等,及木质素的开发与应用; 3、微生物发酵法转化木质纤维素水解产物生产油脂(生物柴油)、醇、酮、有机酸、氢气、沼气及其它次级代谢产物。微生物发酵法转化副产品甘油生产乳酸、丙二醇等化学品; 4、绿色溶剂的研发与应用(水热水,离子液体,有机电解液,超临界流体等),双功能催化剂合成及用于催化生物质生产液体燃料和化学品等。 5、能源政策和规划,能源系统优化和评价。 ------------------------------------------- 2017/2018 Twopostdoc positions in Biofuels and Biorefinery Nanjing Agricultural University - College of Engineering •Qualification type: PhD •Location: Nanjing •Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, InternationalStudents •Funding amount: Not specified •Hours: Full Time •Expires: Oct 31 2017 College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University(a top national university under the Ministry of Education of China)established a group for biomass and biorefinery in December 2015. Postdocfellows are now being recruited within this group led by Prof. Zhen FANG toconvert renewable biomass and agricultural wastes to biofuels and chemicals. The PDFs will be expected to do internationallyrecognized research in the areas of bioenergy and bio-based products fromagricultural wastes. Possible topical areas of this group includethermo-chemical conversion processes, hydrothermal processes, green solvents(ionic liquids, supercritical fluids) for biorefining, synthesis ofnanocatalysts for chemicals, biofuels, bio-diesel production processes,biological conversion processes (e.g., microbial oil, algae biodiesel,fermentation for hydrogen, ethanol and butanol), conversion of biomass toliquid, solid and gaseous fuels; separation of bioproducts; integration ofbiomass production/conversion/utilization concepts; and other relevant topics. The candidates are expected to have a background inchemical engineering, biochemical engineering, agricultural engineering,bio-processing or a related field of engineering, microbiology and chemistry,and are able to do independent research, supervise students and publish papersin high impacted international journals. Applicants are invited to send their curriculum vitae, astatement of plan for research, diplomas and the names and addresses of threereferences to the HR Department by email and cc to Prof. Zhen FANG at the sametime. Contact Information: Telephone: +86-25-58606661 Ms. Li +86-25-58606554 Mr. Mao Fax:+86-25-58606505 Address: HR Department, College of Engineering, Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity 40 DianjiangtaiRoad, Pukou District, Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province, China Further information: Applications received by Oct. 31, 2017 will receive fullconsideration; however, the search will continue until a satisfactory pool ofcandidates has been identified.
2017/2018南京农业大学生物能源组,招聘博士后(2名) |