本帖最后由 lvjian888qiang 于 2017-6-20 16:09 编辑
2017年生物医学工程、生物信息国际学术研讨会 (ISBEBI2017),由西南交大、华东师范大学,IEEE EMBs合办,是展示技术前沿和理论领域研究结果、实验、应用生物医学工程和生物信息学的重要论坛。ISBEBI2017会议聚集了世界各地顶尖的生物医学工程和生物信息学工程师以及科学家,会议成果推进了相关领域的前沿研究。 The areas covered by the meeting include (but are not limited to): biomedicalengineering
Biomedical imaging, image processing and visualization Bioelectricityand neural engineering
Biomaterials and Biomedical Optics
Methods and biological effects of NMR Ct ECG Technology
Biomedical instrumentation, sensors and artificial organs
Biochemical, cellular, molecular and tissue engineering
Biomedical Robotics and Machinery
Rehabilitation Engineering and Clinical engineering
Health monitoring systems and wearable systems
Biological signal processing and analysis
Biometrics and biological measurement
Other related issues
Bioinformatics andComputational Biology
Protein structure, function and sequence analysis
Protein interaction, docking and function
Computational proteomics
DNA, RNA structure, function and sequence analysis
Gene regulation, expression, identification and network
Structure, function and comparative genomics
Computational evolutionary biology
Data collection, standardization, analysis and visualization
Bioinformatics algorithms, models, software and tools
A New Method of Bioinformatics
Other related issues Special Branch
Biomedical Imaging
Biostatistics and Metrology Biology
Information Technology in Bioinformatics Environmental pollution and public health/public health
Physical biochemistry in Endocrinology and medicine
PaperSubmission: Authors are invited tosubmit papers of not more than four pages for technical content includingfigures and references. All the presented papers will be published by IEEE andincluded in IEEE Xplore. Also, selected papers (best-award papers) will beinvited by the SCI indexed Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering Important Dates The deadline for paper submission August 20, 2017 The date for notification August 25, 2017 The date for camera-ready paper submission September 15, 2017 Email:isbebi2017@163.com Tel:18721846732
2017年生物医学工程生物信息国际研讨会(ISBEBI2017) |