





  越来越多的杂志或期刊选择在已发表的论文中标识出作者贡献(Author contributions),好处是可以凸显和确认每个作者在学习工作中扮演的角色,避免随便挂名的现象。当然,如果想随便搭车,也总能找到相应的贡献,从这点讲这个所谓的Author contributions也就没有意义了,所以,第一作者和通讯作者自己心中的那杆秤才是做重要的,杜绝人情挂名和刻意讨好别人才能净化学术空气。
  Author contributions在不同的杂志有不同的表达形式,但主要都是从试验设计、试验实施、数据分析和写作几块进行角色定位。如果一篇论文只有一个作者,那么这个Author contributions就很简单。如果碰到很懒的作者,认为Author contributions没有必要写的那么详细,干脆all the authors designed research, performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper,那也是令期刊编辑很头疼的,不是没有这种可能,只是给人一种敷衍的感觉罢了。
  Nature Communications: Author contributions: Z.Y.Y., H.C., and P.B.R. designed the study, performed the research, analysed data, and wrote the paper.
  PNAS: Author contributions: D.S. and R.J.M. designed research, performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper.
  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Proceedings B): Authors’ contributions. K.K. conceived of the study, designed the study and collected the data. All authors analysed the data and were involved in writing the manuscript.
  Global Ecology and Biogeography: Author contributions: M.L. developed the idea for the study, H.C.M. and M.L. did the analyses, and M.L. and H.C.M. wrote the paper.
  Nature Geoscience: Author contributions: K.G., M.P. and H.L. conceived the idea; K.G. conducted the analyses; J.W., M.L., S.R.S., J.J. and A.I.L. provided the data; all authors contributed to the writing and revisions.
  Nature: Author Contributions: L.Z. and Y.T. contributed the central idea, analysed most of the data, and wrote the initial draft of the paper. The remaining authors contributed to refining the ideas, carrying out additional analyses and finalizing this paper.
  Nature Climate Change: M.S., M.Hirota, M.Holmgren, E.H.V.N. and J.V. conceived the idea of the study; J.V., N.U. and A.Z. analysed the data; M.S., J.V., M.Herold, M.Hirota, M.Holmgren and E.H.V.N. interpreted the results; M.S. wrote the paper; all authors discussed the results and revised the manuscript.
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